Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25, 2009 ~ Volume 1, Issue 2


My first order of business is to let everyone know what an excellent response we had to our first ever White Picket Fence Newsletter-MISSING JESSIE FOSTER. I started of flying by the seat of my pants (by the way, what the heck does that really mean??) but since I have a lot to say, it was not that hard to do. (Funny story-I was wondering how I was supposed to number my newsletter with the volume and the issue numbers, so I Googled it. This is the answer and I was so happy to find out: Typically publications use volume to indicate the number of the year of the publication's life. That is, the first year of publication is Volume 1; next year is Volume 2, and so on. Within volume numbers, the issue dictates its sequence. So, now I know how to number my newsletter.)

My second order of business is to let you all know about Jessie’s 25th birthday celebration DATE: Wednesday, May 27th, 2009 ~ TIME: 12:05am – 12:55pm ~ LOCATION: In your home ~ your heart ~ your favorite networking site on the Internet ~ where ever you are!! As much as I want to have a big party for Jessie's 25th birthday, I really do not feel much like 'partying' a much as celebrating Jessie's life with prayers and candles ~ that is, unless, of course, someone can bring Jessie home for her birthday, then we will have the biggest party you have ever seen or heard of. Last year we had a huge, beautiful celebration for Jessie's 24th birthday, there were dozens of people here and we had a big balloon release for her. Plus we had a bbq and cake - it was awesome. This year will be quieter, but there will be dozens, if not hundreds - heck, shoot for it - let's get THOUSANDS to attend in their hearts. Jessie's mom Glendene. REMEMBER ~ you do NOT have to physically attend Jessie's 25th birthday celebration, just say a prayer, light a candle and celebrate your way. Happy birthday Jessie!
MAY 25th, 2009 – International Missing Children’s Day ~ To commemorate children who have gone missing and celebrate the safe return of so many ~
International Missing Children’s Day was established for people in the world to remember all the missing children worldwide. To help spread the word of these children and to pray for & support the parents, families and loved ones of the missing. Let the parents with a missing child know that they have not been forgotten. WE WILL NEVER FORGET, NOR WILL WE STOP LOOKING FOR OUR CHILDREN. We will help stop this terrible epidemic of missing children ~ of all missing people.

Stop what you are doing on Monday, May 25th, 2009 and think about it. How can we do something about this? I declared 2009…theYear4theMissing sometime ago and I strongly believe it is. WE CAN DO SOMETHING IF WE DO IT TOGETHER. REMEMBER ~ STRENGTH IN NUMBER’s ~

VALOR’S STORY (CANADIAN Case #: 0600588)
It is hard to believe, but I also work with someone who has a missing person in her family. The missing person is a young child, Valor (Taylor) Howell ~ Born September 7th, 2000, who is the victim of a parental abduction. His mother snatched him away in December 1st, 2004, when young Valor was just 4 years old. For some reason, his mother, Jamie Howell (AKA: Jamie Anderson) thought that when Valor’s daddy got custody of his two older sisters, she had something to worry about. I mean, he got custody pretty much by default, not because of a long, drawn out custody case. The mother was unfit and it was not even a possibility that she could give them a stable, loving environment to grow up in, so of course the father is going to give them a home. But as far as they knew, she was ‘wonkie’ (you know what I mean), but they did not think she would take him and run across the border from Canada to the USA. The Hague Convention is even involved in this kidnapping because of the international status of the case (mother has family in Canada & the USA); ( and when they are found (not if, but when), she will be arrested and jailed for international child abduction.


April Beth Pitzer, age 30 and mother of two, went missing June 28, 2004. April was last seen in the vicinity of the 30000 block of Caspian Way in Newberry Springs, CA. She told her roommate that she was leaving on a bus to visit her mother in Arkansas, but never arrived. April had been a model for a variety of clothing stores in Arkansas and Texas. She left behind two young daughters, whom she doted upon.

In December 2005, clothing was found in a mineshaft in Ludlow, California. In January 2006, April's mother positively identified the clothing as belonging to her daughter. There was no other sign of April at the scene. April has a medical condition and requires medication.
“April didn’t just disappear, she loves her children to much. Something happened to her and we want to know what,” Gloria Denton (April’s mother) went on to say. “Bradley Elisa (7) and Kennedy Marie (4) are Aprils life and they miss her very much and I miss her laughter, love & beautiful friendship; the girls ask me when will I ever find their mommy? Won’t you please give April back to us?”
The circumstances surrounding Missing person’s have multiple explanations, like the Katrina disaster that was responsible for over eleven-thousand missing adults alone as the result of a natural disaster when there are tens of thousands more missing from unknown causes. Sadly the numbers continue to grow. Nations Missing Children’s Organization Racing for the Missing Division ~ October 15, 2005
Clarksville: Mom helps dig for clues of missing daughter, 30 ~ Monday, March 13, 2006 by DAVE HUGHES ~ Gloria Denton got on her knees to dig in the Mojave Desert to uncover clothing of her daughter that was strewn about the ground, buried in a pit and hidden under a shack.
If you have information regarding the case, please contact:
San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department: at 1-760-256-4838, or
Toll-free “NO COPS” tip line: at 1-866-479-5284
Investigative Case #: DR 080401661
NCIC #: M-314239727
The Kristen Foundation: 2330 Bonnie Butler Way, Charlotte, NC 28270-4415 ~ 1-704-846-7408 ~

April Beth Pitzer

$50,000 REWARD for the recovery of April Beth Pitzer & the arrest & conviction of those responsible for her disappearance & homicide.

Classification: Endangered Missing Adult
Alias / Nickname: Coggins or Campbell
Date of Birth: February 19, 1974
Date Missing: June 28, 2004
From City/State: Newberry Springs, CA
Missing From (Country): USA
Age at Time of Disappearance: 30
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 69 inches
Weight: 125 pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Complexion: Medium
Identifying Characteristics: Small round scar on left side of chest, scar on elbow, scar on lip. No upper teeth.
Clothing: Wears size 6 athletic shoes or sandals.
Jewelry: Gold hoop earrings.
Poster available at:

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